The Teachers Manual is a must for instructors in a classroom or leading a small group. It contains the scope and sequence, rationale, and directions for instructions and assessments in an attractive format that is very simple, organized and easy to understand. It includes detailed instructions for organizing, preparing and implementing the complete Carpenter Literacy Reading Curriculum.
Please CLICK HERE to download a sample of the Teacher's Manual.
Start your child reading with Short Vowel Stories: Level A. This book contains lessons of 17 short vowel stories. Each story introduces some high-frequency words and one word family for early or struggling readers to learn and practice. The high-frequency words and word families are repeated in a simple, solid, systematic, repetitive method as the child reads through all the stories in the book. Children practice reading repeated high-frequency words and phonetic stories.
The Spelling and Vocabulary Development Book contains the word family lists and high-frequency words of each current story lesson for each week. It contains all the word lists from the entire Carpenter Literacy leveled books (A,B,C) curriculum. These lists keep the reading program focused and organized on exactly what word family and high-frequency words the students are being asked to learn and spell each week. Children spell words that contain the current word-family that is being studied for the week. Children also practice and memorize a few high-frequency words introduced in the story lessons. The students are asked to write these high-frequency words from dictation as the teacher writes them on the board and reads them. Also, the book contains high-frequency word assessments to be given with the spelling tests to indicate how well the students are learning high-frequency words. This assessment consists of seven previously taught high-frequency words to be filled into the blanks of seven sentences. It is an independent activity of great review and suitable for a grade.
Teaching Pages is the comprehension book of the Carpenter Literacy Reading Curriculum. This book meets the need for developing an excellent, working knowledge of the comprehension terms and their application in text. The book contains flashcards of the different comprehension terms (e.g. plot, theme, compare). The book is divided into two sections for learning and applying these terms in paragraphs and stories. The first section is easy to read with simpler words for use after Book B and a harder section for use after Book C. The format of each section consists of three pages for each of the terms in simple, interesting, practice paragraphs to allow the readers systematic, repetitive practice. After the practice sections, the book offers several delightful fictional and nonfictional stories with simple test-format to allow more practice and application of all those comprehension terms that have been learned. It is truly an amazing book in its format and one that both students and teachers will enjoy using to improve comprehension. It replaces those boring, tedious, difficult comprehension books that many of us know so well.